- Name: Message Source Account or MSA
- Docs:
MSA Pallet
- Representation:
The following data that constitute a Message Source Account are stored in the MSA pallet:
- The DSNP User Id associated with this MSA
- Delegation relationships to Providers
- Schema permissions granted to Providers
- MSA user state (Profile, Graph, etc...)
- Control keys
- Name: Message Source Account Identifier, or MSA Id.
- Data Type:
- Docs:
- Mapping: The MSA Id is able to be used directly as the DSNP User Id
- Description:
At least one public key MUST be associated with an MSA Id for it to be considered active.
- Name: Referred to as:
, provider_key
, or delegator_key
- Data Type:
, Schnorrkel/Ristretto X25519 ("sr25519") derived cryptographic public key
- Docs:
- Description: See Cryptography on Polkadot and Polkadot Protocol Specification.
A public key CANNOT be associated with more than one MSA at a time.
- Name:
- Docs:
- Representation:
The following data storage relates necessary information for retrieving and validating delegations:
- Provider registry
- Delegations
- Schema permissions granted to Providers
- Name: Delegator
- Representation: MSA Id
- Name: Provider
- Representation: MSA Id
- Description:
A Provider MUST already have an MSA Id (via
) and be approved as a Provider (via msa::propose_to_be_provider()