DSNP Users are referenced in Verifiable Credentials documents via DIDs compliant with the Decentralized Identifiers v1.0 specification.

Applications that make use of Verifiable Credentials issued by DSNP Users MUST be able to resolve DSNP User DIDs to DID documents in order to verify that signatures were created with keys controlled by that user. A DSNP DID document is effectively a document aggregating DSNP User Data. Compliant DSNP systems are encouraged to provide their own DID resolver libraries.

DID Method Syntax

A DSNP DID uses dsnp (lowercase) as the method name and the DSNP User Id as the method-specific identifier, as the following example illustrates:


This DID identifies the DSNP User with User Id 123456. In this format, the DSNP User Id is serialized in decimal form with no additional punctuation.

References to identifiers within a DID document are formed by appending URL fragments to a DID. For example, a Verifiable Credential might reference the public key to be used to verify a document's signature as did:dsnp:123456#key1, assuming the document included a verificationMethod with "id": "key1".

DID Document

A DSNP DID document is a JSON-LD document representing key material associated with a DSNP User.

PropertyRequiredJSON TypeDescriptionRestrictions
@contextYESArray of stringsJSON-LD @contextMUST include "https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1"
idYESStringThe DID described by this documentMUST be of the form did:dsnp:{userId}
verificationMethodnoArray of Verification Method objectsSet of public keys that may be referenced from assertionMethod, authentication, and keyAgreement arrays
assertionMethodnoArraySet of public keys used to generate digital signaturesMUST include or reference all relevant keys present in DSNP User Data assertionMethodPublicKeys
authenticationnoArraySet of public keys used as DSNP control keysMAY include or reference any keys used as control keys
keyAgreementnoArraySet of public keys used to generate shared secretsMUST include or reference all relevant keys present in DSNP User Data keyAgreementPublicKeys

Additional properties defined in the DID specification MAY be present.

Public Key Representation

As per the DID specification, each element of the assertionMethod and keyAgreement arrays may be a string reference to the object with a matching id field in the verificationMethod array, or the Verification Method object itself. Each Verification Method describes a public key. These keys MUST be taken from the DSNP User Data associated with the user referenced by the DID.

DSNP DID resolvers MUST serialize keys in the Multikey format, defined in Verifiable Credential Data Integrity 1.0.

PropertyRequiredJSON TypeDescriptionRestrictions
@contextYESStringJSON-LD @contextMUST be https://w3id.org/security/multikey/v1
idYESStringThe full URI of this keyMUST be of the form did:dsnp:{userId}#{identifier}; MUST be unique within the document
typeYESStringThe type of this verification methodMUST be Multikey
controllerYESStringThe controller of this keyMUST be the DID of the enclosing document
publicKeyMultibaseYESStringThe public keyMUST be a valid multicodec-prefixed public key in base58btc encoding


  "@context": [
  "id": "did:dsnp:645313",
  "authentication": [
      "@context": "https://w3id.org/security/multikey/v1",
      "id": "did:dsnp:645313#z6QP1gZa1xAGCtsPzZSc5mdTDtrGsWUyf12TmU6pSu15SXUr",
      "type": "Multikey",
      "controller": "did:dsnp:645313",
      "publicKeyMultibase": "z6QP1gZa1xAGCtsPzZSc5mdTDtrGsWUyf12TmU6pSu15SXUr"
  "assertionMethod": [],
  "keyAgreement": [
      "@context": "https://w3id.org/security/multikey/v1",
      "id": "did:dsnp:645313#z6LSoYFtPRBEizFQ2zYXEXBPP96t9gNFWjZVJTfXWqzMhw9e",
      "type": "Multikey",
      "controller": "did:dsnp:645313",
      "publicKeyMultibase": "z6LSoYFtPRBEizFQ2zYXEXBPP96t9gNFWjZVJTfXWqzMhw9e"